Today: September 21, 2024
Today: September 21, 2024

Latest From Nahal Garakani


Is it Anxiety or a Panic Attack? Learn to Tell the Difference

While commonly used interchangeably, “anxiety attack” and “panic attack” refer to distinct conditions, each with significant differences. Learning to identify each can help assess when professional treatment may be needed. While both create distress, their causes, onset, severity and duration vary. Recognizing the divergence equips individuals to better manage symptoms. Unlike panic attacks, anxiety attacks have no formal clinical definition. The presence of those conditions is not explicitly recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, the DSM-5 defines anxiety as a feature of disorders like generalized anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD and more. Anxiety often relates

Is it Anxiety or a Panic Attack? Learn to Tell the Difference

Is self-checkout making us lonelier?

Self-checkout lanes are on the rise, and while most customers prefer the privacy of self-checkout, experts have argued that increased reliance on automated transactions chips away at critical social bonds. According to Catalina Marketing, self-checkout now accounts for nearly 40% of checkout lanes at grocery stores. Research reveals the number of lonely Americans has risen steadily since self-checkout’s emergence. With less daily interaction between customers and frontline workers, so-called “weak ties” that boost wellbeing fade. And 75% of Americans say innovations like self-checkout have decreased social skills despite their convenience. Toni Antonucci, a University of Michigan psychology professor, explains weak

Is self-checkout making us lonelier?

Public Restroom Warning About Toilet Paper Sparks Alarm

Using public restrooms is an everyday necessity for most people. However, a recent viral TikTok video has raised alarming concerns about the potential health risks hidden in plain sight in these public spaces. The now infamous video by user Dane Jones displays an image of a toilet paper roll covered in small red flecks and thin streaks. Jones claims these stains come from intravenous drug users cleaning their needles on the toilet paper, leaving behind traces of contaminated blood. With over 7 million views, the graphic advisory has left many viewers fearful of using public restrooms. But how credible are

Public Restroom Warning About Toilet Paper Sparks Alarm

Can't Face Another Burpee? Meet "Cozy Cardio," Exercise for the Rest of Us

Amid the sweat-drenched aura of high intensity workouts, a TikTok creator is pioneering a radically different fitness vision centered on low-impact “cozy cardio.” This feel-good approach reimagines exercise as a self-care ritual rather than a draining chore, garnering devotees and expert praise. Hope Zuckerbrow coined the “cozy cardio” concept in videos showing her exercising casually while wearing pajamas and watching TV. This unorthodox routine was born when Zuckerbrow, unable to fall back asleep one morning, started walking on her treadmill with coffee in hand. She decided to film this relaxing activity, dubbing it “cardio…but make it cozy.” The video amassed

Can't Face Another Burpee? Meet "Cozy Cardio," Exercise for the Rest of Us

Is Low Serotonin the Missing Long COVID Clue? New Finding Points to Chemical Imbalance

A new study suggests low serotonin levels in the body could help explain some of long COVID’s most troublesome symptoms, including brain fog, headaches, and fatigue. The research proposes lasting viral traces may hamper serotonin production, depriving patients of the essential chemical. Around 30% of COVID survivors worldwide develop long COVID, suffering prolonged effects like reduced endurance, anxiety, and memory issues months or years later. Though causes remain unclear, the recent study in Cell identifies a possible biological contributor: depleted serotonin resulting from inflammation and impaired nutrient absorption. If confirmed, the serotonin deficiency theory could pave the way for more

Is Low Serotonin the Missing Long COVID Clue? New Finding Points to Chemical Imbalance

Less Sex, More Substance: Gen Z Seeking Relatable Bonds Over Physical Relationships

A new study reveals American adolescents today want to see less sex and romance on screens. Instead, young viewers crave more depictions of platonic friendships reflecting their real-life experiences. The 2022 Teens & Screens report by UCLA’s Center for Scholars and Storytellers surveyed over 1,500 youths aged 10-24. It found a majority want more focus on non-romantic relationships and less expectation that male-female friends will inevitably fall in love. Nearly half felt sex wasn’t needed in most plots, while over a third wanted more asexual or aromantic characters. “Adolescents are seeking modeling in the art they consume,” said the center’s

Less Sex, More Substance: Gen Z Seeking Relatable Bonds Over Physical Relationships

Artificial Sweeteners: The Bitter Truth Behind Sugar-Free Claims

Artificial sweeteners have been marketed for years as a healthy sugar replacement that will allow consumers to continue enjoying sugary tastes while reducing their exposure to obesity and diabetes dangers. New study raises worrisome issues about the possible dangers of artificial sweeteners, yet the debate over their safety continues to go on. Evidence relating non-sugar sweeteners to health issues including cardiovascular disease has led to the World Health Organization advising against their use for weight reduction or blood sugar management.  The WHO’s cancer research arm also classified the popular sweetener aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” While the food industry

Artificial Sweeteners: The Bitter Truth Behind Sugar-Free Claims

New Studies Confirm Strength Training Boosts Longevity as Much as Cardio

A growing consensus among health experts underscores the importance of strength training, along with cardiovascular exercise, for longevity and quality of life. Research increasingly shows that regularly lifting weights provides major benefits that help extend lifespans and preserve independence into old age. Based on a recent study in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, adults who engaged in one to two sessions of strength training per week had a 40% reduced risk of mortality compared to individuals who did not exercise. This was on top of the reduced death risk gained from moderate aerobic activity. The analysis underscores the significant

New Studies Confirm Strength Training Boosts Longevity as Much as Cardio

Still in Love But Know It's Over? How to Healthily Move Forward

Ending a meaningful relationship can be intensely painful, even when you know it’s the right decision. Turning off deep feelings of love is often easier said than done. Processing the loss, identifying your needs in a partner, and accepting the importance of what you’ve lost are key steps in the complex journey of moving on. While you can’t control who you fall for, in some cases staying in love keeps you stuck. Perhaps your affection is one-sided. Or maybe you and your partner love each other but can’t overcome irreconcilable differences. However difficult, acknowledging when a romance has run its

Still in Love But Know It's Over? How to Healthily Move Forward

Smiling on the Outside, Struggling on the Inside: The Hidden Truth About My Anxiety

Outwardly, people with high-functioning anxiety appear fine. They go to work, raise families, and contribute to society. But inwardly, they wage a constant battle against crippling anxiety that threatens to derail their lives. Approximately 40 million persons in the United States are impacted by anxiety disorders annually.  Symptoms like excessive worry, muscle tension, panic attacks, and compulsions can interfere with daily activities. But many hide their struggles to function normally. Those with high-functioning anxiety have developed coping strategies to present a capable face to the world. However, they still endure the same relentless fears and distress as anyone with an

Smiling on the Outside, Struggling on the Inside: The Hidden Truth About My Anxiety

New research shows that post-meal mini-walks have big impacts

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But could a simple post-dinner stroll offer similar perks? Exercise is undoubtedly healthy, yet guidance differs on ideal durations and timing. Emerging research now spotlights unique upsides to brief walking sessions soon after eating. Just 15 brisk minutes can energize digestion, mental clarity, blood sugar control, and diabetes prevention. “The benefits start accumulating with even minor additions of movement,” explains Dr. Kershaw Patel. “Every small step counts.” Unlike prolonged workout regimes, these mini walking breaks spur biohacks that integrate seamlessly into daily routines. And through incremental change, they summon surprising transformational impacts.

New research shows that post-meal mini-walks have big impacts

FDA Recalls Eye Drops Over Infection Risk Fears

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advised consumers Friday to immediately stop using certain over-the-counter eye drop products due to potential bacterial contamination posing an infection risk that could lead to vision loss. The agency called for manufacturers to recall all lots of 26 different eye care products sold under brand names including CVS Health, Target’s Up&Up, Rite Aid, Leader, Rugby and Velocity Pharma. The FDA alert came after its investigators discovered unsanitary conditions at the manufacturing facility of Global Pharma Healthcare in India. Sampling identified bacterial contamination in critical production areas. There have been no confirmed illnesses linked to

FDA Recalls Eye Drops Over Infection Risk Fears

How Lunchables Found Their Way Onto School Lunch Trays

The pre-packaged Lunchables, critiqued as promoting highly processed junk food to kids, have become a staple for many students during school lunch. Their journey onto cafeteria trays stems from savvy marketing, industry lobbying, and financial pressures facing school districts. Synonymous with pre-made convenience foods, Lunchables exploded in popularity after launching in 1988 as a way for Oscar Mayer to market sliced meat and cheese. They gained devotees for letting children assemble their own mini meals. But nutrition advocates decried Lunchables’ lack of whole ingredients. A typical lunch kit pairs cracker sandwiches, cheese slices, deli meat, and candy – adding up

How Lunchables Found Their Way Onto School Lunch Trays

Speed Dating Makes Comeback in LA with Creative New Twists

Speed dating is undergoing an unexpected resurgence in Los Angeles, transcending its 1990s origins to cater to the diverse demographics of the city. According to Eventbrite’s data, there’s an increase of 75% in speed dating events from 2021 to 2022. Furthermore, Google search interest surpassed pre-pandemic levels in February, marking the first instance of such a resurgence since the onset of COVID-19. This resurgence is drawing in not only older generations but also capturing the interest of Millennials and Gen Z, who are exploring modern approaches to courtship. While the traditional rapid-fire speed dating format remains, innovative variations such as

Speed Dating Makes Comeback in LA with Creative New Twists

Updated COVID Boosters Come With Possible Side Effects, But Benefits Still Outweigh Risks

As COVID-19 infection rates spike heading into fall, the arrival of an updated booster vaccine targeting the latest Omicron subvariants comes at a critical time. But with any vaccine, side effects are possible. Experts say the benefits of the new COVID booster still far outweigh the risks. Immunologists concur that while the vaccine provides important protection, it should not be the sole preventative measure against the virus, especially amid surging rates of the highly contagious Omicron offshoot Eris. “The vaccine should be used in conjunction with other protective measures such as masking and ventilation for those people at higher risk

Updated COVID Boosters Come With Possible Side Effects, But Benefits Still Outweigh Risks

COVID Cases Creeping Up as Officials Await New Boosters

As COVID-19 cases slowly rise in Los Angeles County, public health officials are anticipating the rollout of updated COVID-19 booster shots targeting the latest Omicron subvariants. The new bivalent booster shots have been tweaked with the goal of providing better protection against the currently dominant strains, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The big question is when the Omicron-specific shots will be available to the public. The CDC expects the updated vaccine rollout to begin in mid to late September, meaning pharmacies will likely start offering the new boosters in October. But who will be eligible

COVID Cases Creeping Up as Officials Await New Boosters

The Hidden Eating Disorder Behavior Ensnaring Millions of Teens

Raising awareness serves as the initial step toward aiding more individuals, especially teenagers. Heidi McLachlan, starting in her youth and spanning over two decades, grappled with a detrimental body image. Her relentless endeavors to prevent weight gain propelled her into a realm of disordered eating behaviors, including anorexia nervosa and chewing and spitting. Chew and spit (CHSP) is a behavior involving the act of chewing food and then intentionally spitting it out, driven by the desire to derive pleasure from the taste without actually consuming the calories. For McLachlan, chewing and spitting began as a symptom of anorexia nervosa —

The Hidden Eating Disorder Behavior Ensnaring Millions of Teens

Finding Camaraderie in New Friends and New Digs at a Retirement Community

As baby boomers reach their golden years, an increasing number are choosing to live in retirement communities. While retirement homes offer many benefits, from social activities to assisted care, the transition can also pose difficulties. Understanding the pros and cons of retirement living can help seniors make the best choice for their needs. Recent studies by the National Institute on Aging show that over 30% of Americans over 65 now reside in some type of retirement community. This represents a major shift, as past generations largely lived independently or with family in their later years. The rise of retirement homes

Finding Camaraderie in New Friends and New Digs at a Retirement Community

Confused about healthy women's weight? This might help

Juliette Martin, a French lady, was able to climb the corporate ladder with an outstanding elegance and slimness, finally becoming the chief executive of the American division of Veuve Clicquot. She successfully negotiated the complex world of weight management and provided insights into the French manner of maintaining a slender figure in her best-selling book, “French Women Don’t Get Fat.” This book has been quite successful. However, her narrative of success is entangled with the expectations of society as well as the complex link that exists between one’s weight, income, and gender. The narrative begins with Martin’s, teenage years, when

Confused about healthy women's weight? This might help

Double beds or doubled-up singles? A new report investigates couples choosing separate bedrooms

For generations, sharing a marital bed was non-negotiable. Separate sleeping quarters spelled impending doom for couples in the court of public opinion. But recently the tables have turned on this restrictive paradigm. A rapidly rising renovation trend now sees spouses purposely partitioning master suites, consciously crafting his and hers bedroom oases. Behind closed doors, 20% of couples slumber contentedly in different beds. And progressively, stigma gives way to understanding customized sleep needs. Far from signaling trouble, advocates cite perks like improved rest, reduced conflicts and enhanced waking-hour connections. For partners with mismatched sleep styles, room to spread out can prevent

Double beds or doubled-up singles? A new report investigates couples choosing separate bedrooms

Are dating apps draining your energy? You may have swipe burnout

“Just exhausted, that’s all. It feels like a second job.” Samantha’s words epitomize the mental drain facing millions searching for love through dating apps. Behind the glossy photos and clever profiles lies weary users on an endless sprint towards happily ever after. However, despite obsessively working on these platforms, many fail to find meaningful connections regardless of the time and effort invested. The promise sold by apps seems almost cruel in retrospect: an infinite pool of Mr. or Mrs. Right awaits with just the right swipe or click. Yet users like 28-year-old Samantha increasingly suspect the system is rigged. She

Are dating apps draining your energy? You may have swipe burnout

The Deadly Impact of Trending Kitchen Countertops on Workers

Workers who cut and polish manufactured stones are at risk of contracting silicosis, a potentially deadly lung disease, because to the industry’s rapid growth in popularity. This illness has been an occupational risk for decades, but recently it has been on the rise among younger employees, casting a pall over the whole sector. Inhalation of very small particles of crystalline silica causes silicosis. Over time, breathing in tiny particles damages the lungs, leading to life-threatening respiratory issues and even death. Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment for silicosis, making it a lifelong sentence for those who contract it. Particles like

The Deadly Impact of Trending Kitchen Countertops on Workers

Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of Embracing Relaxation

Laziness, downtime, and relaxation all have their benefits, even surprising ones, related to health. It’s crucial to take daily breaks to unwind, whether through activities like watching TV, reading, writing, or simply resting. In 2023, it’s projected that the typical American will spend approximately 2 hours and 33 minutes each day watching television. Dr. Sanam Hafeez, Director of Comprehend the Mind and a renowned psychologist, notes that engaging in leisure activities triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, associated with pleasure and happiness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around sixty percent of individuals in the

Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of Embracing Relaxation

Spice up your after-school snacks with uncommon ingredients

Afterschool snacks can cater to more than just the kids. A few simple, sophisticated tweaks to classic treats — popcorn and peanut butter cookies — creates snacks everyone will enjoy. Peanut butter cookies are tasty, but can be one-dimensional and too sweet. Looking for a bit of balance, we were inspired by the wildly popular peanut butter cookies from Falco Bakery in Melbourne, Australia. Their surprise ingredient is brown rice miso, which combats the sweetness of a normal peanut butter cookie and heightens the nuttiness. Our adaptation substitutes white miso, which is easier to find and adds interesting depth to

Spice up your after-school snacks with uncommon ingredients

The Startling Health Impact of Microwaves and How to Avoid Microplastics: A Wake-Up Call

Even among the dazzling array of state-of-the-art appliances that grace today’s kitchens, the microwave remains a symbol of speed and convenience, meeting the needs of our busy lives. It has effortlessly woven itself into the fabric of our domesticity, from the speedy warming of gourmet scraps to the rapid conjuring of full repasts. Recent years, however, have brought a slew of disturbing discoveries about the effects of this pervasive technology on our physical well-being and the environment we rely on for survival. Now may be a good time to go into detail about the hidden expenses associated with this highly

The Startling Health Impact of Microwaves and How to Avoid Microplastics: A Wake-Up Call
