Today: September 21, 2024
Today: September 21, 2024

Latest From Mike Dolan


Sterling feeds on peculiarly high BoE 'terminal rate': Mike Dolan

Tight monetary policy coupled with a penny-pinching fiscal agenda usually results in currency appreciation, and sterling is surging on the prospect.

Sterling feeds on peculiarly high BoE 'terminal rate': Mike Dolan
Business|Economy|Finance|Stock Markets

BoE quantitative tightening goal entangled in 'fiscal jiggery-pokery': Mike Dolan

The Bank of England may sit out this month's interest rate cutting bonanza, but Thursday's meeting will still be meaningful, as it will throw a spotlight on the BoE's

BoE quantitative tightening goal entangled in 'fiscal jiggery-pokery': Mike Dolan

'Blunt' interest rates pose questions about Fed easing :Mike Dolan

If steep interest rate hikes failed to slow the U.S. economy much in recent years, it is reasonable to ask whether their reversal will prove as toothless in a downturn.

'Blunt' interest rates pose questions about Fed easing :Mike Dolan
Business|Finance|News|Stock Markets

Markets torn by US services-factories divide: Mike Dolan

The stark divide between the performance of the U.S. manufacturing sector and the more dominant services sector is giving stock markets a headache at a critical moment.

Markets torn by US services-factories divide: Mike Dolan

ECB 'terminal rate' seems too high: Mike Dolan

The market's best guess is the European Central Bank won't step on the accelerator over the coming cycle - which is either way off beam or extremely worrying.

ECB 'terminal rate' seems too high: Mike Dolan

Column-ECB hurry may owe much to deepening EU-China trade :Mike Dolan

While there has been a lot of talk about the West's strategic decoupling from China's sputtering economy, Europe's direct trade links with Beijing have actually been

Column-ECB hurry may owe much to deepening EU-China trade :Mike Dolan

US Treasury plays cat and mouse with debt sales :Mike Dolan

The U.S.

US Treasury plays cat and mouse with debt sales :Mike Dolan

Next Bank of Japan intervention may be to sell yen :Mike Dolan

If Japan's government is thinking ahead, it may be planning to rein in its errant yen rather than propping it up.

Business|Economy|Finance|Stock Markets

Markets may be waving, not drowning :Mike Dolan

What looks like a financial market in disarray may instead just be normalization that will ultimately help insulate investment portfolios rather than sending them to

Markets may be waving, not drowning :Mike Dolan

Fed's not yet 'behind the curve' :Mike Dolan

The Federal Reserve may be a bit late cutting interest rates, but it's not yet behind the curve in forestalling a U.S. recession.

Fed's not yet 'behind the curve' :Mike Dolan

Central bank dam burst may see dash from cash :Mike Dolan

Catch the cresting wave?


Firms 'pull forward' debt sales to avoid US election bump: Mike Dolan

Corporate credit markets shrugged off last week's equity wobble, setting aside any anxiety about the wider economy, allowing even low-rated firms to raise new debt with

Firms 'pull forward' debt sales to avoid US election bump: Mike Dolan

Markets nervy of their own over-confidence :Mike Dolan

Often the scariest thing in markets is a rout without a trigger. People are still unsure about the precise cause of the October 1987 crash, for example.

Markets nervy of their own over-confidence :Mike Dolan

US political churn muddies corporate horizon: Mike Dolan

Corporate planners must have a headache as the U.S. political pendulum swings at its fastest rate since World War Two and the related policy churn may act as a drag on

US political churn muddies corporate horizon: Mike Dolan

First to hike, last to cut? BoE caution cossets pound: Mike Dolan

First to hike, first to hit its inflation target - and the last to cut?

First to hike, last to cut? BoE caution cossets pound: Mike Dolan

From political fog, world growth doubts creep back in: Mike Dolan

In all the hubbub about election uncertainty and the dash for the most lucrative financial trades to exploit it, creeping doubts about the resilience of the world

From political fog, world growth doubts creep back in: Mike Dolan

Fading passive equity bias rumbling in US pension savings: Mike Dolan

While investors are still scrambling to get on board the shiniest new mega-trends and what seems like a runaway stock market, a slower-moving juggernaut from the past

Fading passive equity bias rumbling in US pension savings: Mike Dolan

Column-Labour faces low bar in re-attracting foreign funds: Mike Dolan

The remarkable thing about investor reaction to the UK's new Labour government is how much just a modicum of stability, consistency and competence is being richly

Column-Labour faces low bar in re-attracting foreign funds: Mike Dolan

Steep learning curves - election heat for bonds :Mike Dolan

Some might wonder why it took so long, but the risk that this year's key elections exaggerate rather than rein in bloated public debt is finally seeing long-term

Steep learning curves - election heat for bonds :Mike Dolan

Column-Markets won't give up on March Fed cut: Mike Dolan

If the first cut is the deepest, timing will be everything.


Column-US immigration fillip shifts economy's trajectory :Mike Dolan

With fears of a U.S. recession wiped away and financial markets bulled up on the growth trajectory again, an immigration fillip is playing a key role - and may even


Column-If Fed hikes spurred rent inflation, markets should relax :Mike Dolan

The idea that the Federal Reserve's steep interest rate rises actually made U.S. inflation stickier has more merit than it first sounds - not least among U.S. central


Column-Political risk aversion rubs its eyes: Mike Dolan

If greater political uncertainty necessarily begets higher financial volatility, world markets are still half asleep - but the alarm clock may be set nonetheless.

Column-Political risk aversion rubs its eyes: Mike Dolan

Out of step again, uncontroversial UK govt switch sows relief :Mike Dolan

Thanks in part to former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss' singular contribution to financial stability two years ago, Britain is proving something of an exception among

Out of step again, uncontroversial UK govt switch sows relief :Mike Dolan

There's likely no such thing as 'Frexit': Mike Dolan

Any sustained bet against French government debt can only hinge on a belief in the improbable end of the euro - even if the European Central Bank needs to walk a fine

There's likely no such thing as 'Frexit': Mike Dolan
