Today: September 22, 2024
Today: September 22, 2024

Latest From Kevin Yao and Ellen Zhang


China's faltering growth revives cash vouchers talk

Another round of bad Chinese economic figures is raising pressure on Beijing to loosen the fiscal spigot further and even dole out shopping vouchers to


Chinese leaders pledge to tilt stimulus towards consumers

Chinese leaders signalled on Tuesday that the stimulus measures needed to reach this year's economic growth target will be directed at consumers,

Chinese leaders pledge to tilt stimulus towards consumers

China June new bank loans miss forecasts, some money gauges hit record lows

Chinese bank lending jumped less than expected in June while some key money gauges hit fresh record lows, highlighting weak demand in the world's second

China June new bank loans miss forecasts, some money gauges hit record lows

China's key plenum aims to fix decades-old tax revenue imbalance

Long-touted changes to China's tax system will focus on allowing local governments to retain more fiscal revenues, say policy advisers, widely seen by

China's key plenum aims to fix decades-old tax revenue imbalance
