Today: September 27, 2024
Today: September 27, 2024

Latest From Jonathan Schulman, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania


Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it

Donald Trump often speaks of an America in decline. Kamala Harris counters with a rival emotional appeal centered around excitement and joy.

Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it

Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it

Donald Trump often speaks of an America in decline. Kamala Harris counters with a rival emotional appeal centered around excitement and joy.

Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it

Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it

Donald Trump often speaks of an America in decline. Kamala Harris counters with a rival emotional appeal centered around excitement and joy.

Politicians often warn of American decline – and voters often buy it
